• Prefix

  • Suffix

  • Number of Digits (Whole Number)

  • Start number

  • Increment By (Select b/w 1-10)

  • Note: In Additional Text (optional)

    Add a text

    Position the text and click Next


    As the process gets completed, the Bates stamps are inserted into the PDF files. This is the most effective solution to add page numbers to PDF without Acrobat. For the users who wish to perform the Bates stamping in Adobe PDF file through Adobe Acrobat DC can follow the method discussed in the upcoming section.

    How to Do Bates Stamp in Adobe Acrobat DC Manually?

    With the licensed version of Adobe Acrobat application, perform the below-mentioned steps to add bates label in Adobe PDF files

    After the process completion, all your selected PDF files will be serialized with the bates stamps.

    Important Note: This application requires password to edit encrypted PDF files.

    If you are unaware of the encrypted password of a PDF file to be bates stamped, then this method is of no use.

    Before we move to the end, let’s see some user queries where Bates stamping in Adobe PDF file is required. Have a look at the queries below

    Bates Stamping Examples

    Common Queries

    Situation 1:

    I’m an Advocate and have to deal with a lot of legal files on a daily basis. Basically, these are PDF files which relate to some cases I have taken through. I searched on the web and found that the bates stamping method can organize Adobe PDFdocumentfiles. But, I don’t know how to do bates stamp in Adobe PDF? Can anyone help me with a simple solution?

    Situation 2:

    I work in a software development firm and we document all the development done over a project in Adobe PDF file format. But, when it comes to referring these data, it becomes a mess. My team takes a long time in recovering the required data and act according to it. I know that bates stamping PDF documents will organize them in a better manner. Can anyone provide solution on how to do bates stamp in Adobe PDF file so that the documents are well organized?

    Situation 3:

    I have more than 1000 PDF files and need to sort them. Please provide me a method to serialize them so that they are organized in a better manner.


    In this article, we have discussed the most commonly asked question i.e. how to do bates stamp in Adobe PDF files with or without using Adobe Acrobat DC. An efficient solution is mentioned for bates stamping in Adobe PDF file which overcomes the drawbacks of the manual method.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Q: How do you Bates Stamp in Adobe Acrobat?
    A: Step to Perform Bates Stamping PDF Documents:
    1. Launch Acrobat application and open PDF file
    2. Go to Tools, Organize Pages, select the Bates Numbering option, and click on Add button.
    3. Click on Insert Bates number. In the Bates Numbering Dialog Box, enter the required data, and click on OK button
    4. Select the OK button for bates stamping the Adobe PDF files.
    Q: What are the techniques of arranging or organizing legal documents with related data?
    A: Legal documents could be managed in the following ways:
    1. Add a watermark on related documents so that they are easily retrieved and conceived
    2. Add bates stamp to the files. You can also, number them serially to get related data maintained in order.
    3. For PDF files, you can set Document-level security and restrict others from unauthorized manipulations.

    Free Bates Stamping

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